The US Department of Education maintains a five-page list of educational acronyms. Depending on your state, you may have additional acronyms.
As school public relations professionals, we can’t just presume everyone knows the abbreviations and education acronyms for district departments or federal programs.
At Elevated Education Partners, we know the importance of creating and maintaining an internal style guide. Included in that style guide should be a detailed list of federal, state and district acronyms and if applicable the link to more details. A few hours of work will save headaches and future misunderstandings. The list of education acronyms below is one we’ve curated for Missouri, feel free to use it to start your own. You can also contact us if you’d like assistance in creating a list of education acronyms specifically for your district or program.
- 504 Short for 504 Plan
- AACTE American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- AAHPERD American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (Now SHAPE America)
- AASA American Association of School Administrators
- ABCTE American Board for Certification of Teacher Excellence
- ACSW Academy of Certified Social Workers
- ADA Americans with Disabilities Act A
- DHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
- AERA American Educational Research Association
- AEYC Association for the Education of Young Children of Missouri
- AFT American Federation of Teachers
- AMLE Association for Middle Level Education
- AP Advanced Placement
- ARC Assessment Resource Center
- ASAE American Society of Association Executives
- ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- BIP Behavior Intervention Plan
- BMP Behavior Management Plan
- BOD Board of Directors
- BOE Board of Education
- BR Building Representative
- BTA Beginning Teachers Assistance (program)
- BTN Beginning Teacher Network
- CBA Curriculum-Based Assessment
- CBM Curriculum-Based Measurement
- CCSS Common Core State Standards
- CIPA Children’s Internet Protection Act
- CCPC Career Continuous Professional Certificate
- CPC Continuous Professional Certificate – follows PCT and PCII Certification (Now part of IPC and CCPC)
- CRESST National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing
- CSD Cooperating School District St. Louis area (Now Education Plus)
- CSDGKC Cooperating School Districts of Greater Kansas City
- CSE Committee on Special Education
- CSIP Comprehensive School Improvement Plan
- CWC Class within a class
- DECA Distributive Education Clubs of America
- DHE Department of Higher Education (Missouri)
- DESE Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (Missouri)
- DSS Disability Support Services (Missouri)
- EBD Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
- ECS Education Commission of the States
- EDGAR Education Department General Administrative Regulations
- EI Education International (NEA belongs to this organization)
- ELA English-Language Arts
- EL English Learner
- ELL English Language Learner
- ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
- ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) No Child Left Behind
- ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act
- ESL English as Second Language
- ESP Education Support Professionals
- ESY Extended School Year Services
- ETS Education Testing Service
- DSS Department of Social Services
- FAPE Fair and Appropriate Public Education
- FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- FFA Future Farmers of America
- FMLA Family Medical Leave Act
- FR Faculty Representative
- FTA Future Teachers of America
- GAM Gifted Association of Missouri
- GATE Gifted and Talented Education
- GED General Education Diploma
- GR Government Relations
- GRT Government Relations Team
- HCR Human and Civil rights (Division of NEA)
- HIN Health Information Network
- IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- IEC International Education Consortium (St. Louis)
- IEE Independent Educational Evaluation
- IEP Individual Education Program/Plan
- IPC Initial Professional Certificate
- IRA International Reading Association
- ISLLC Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium
- ISTE International Society for Technology in Education
- ITP Individual Transition Plan
- LRE Least Restrictive Environment
- MACCE Missouri Advisory Council of Certification for Educators
- MACTE Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- MACS Missouri Association for Career Services
- MAESP Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals
- MAP Missouri Assessment Program
- MASA Missouri Association of School Administrators
- MOACAC Missouri Association for College Admissions Counseling
- MARE Missouri Association of Rural Education
- MASCD Missouri Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- MOACTE Missouri Association for Career and Technical Education
- MCCTA Missouri Counsel of Career and Technical Administrators
- MMSA Missouri Middle School Association
- MO RPDC Missouri Regional Professional Development Centers
- MOASBO Missouri Association of School Business Officials
- MoLEAD Missouri Leadership for Excellence, Achievement and Development
- MSBA Missouri School Boards Association
- MSDC Missouri Staff Development Council (affiliate of NSDC doing business as Learning Forward – MO)
- MSIP Missouri School Improvement Program
- NASBE National Association of State Boards of Education
- NAESP National Association for Elementary School Principals
- NASSP National Association for Secondary School Principals
- NBCT National Board Certified Teacher (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification)
- NBPTS National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- NCATE National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education
- NCES National Center for Education Statistics
- NCLB No Child Left behind (ESEA)
- NCLD National Center for Learning Disabilities
- NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- NCUEA National Council of Urban Education Associations (affiliated with NEA)
- NEA National Education Association
- NICHD National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
- NIH National Institutes of Health
- NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health
- NSDC National Staff Development Council (Now Learning Forward)
- OCR Office for Civil Rights
- OMRDD Office of Mentally Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
- OSEP Office of Special Education Programs
- OSERS Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
- PAC Political Action Committee
- PAR Political Action Representative
- PBIS Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
- PBTE Performance-Based Teacher Evaluation
- PCI Professional Certificate Level 1 (No longer used)
- PCII Professional Certificate Level (No longer used)
- PEERS Public Education Employee Retirement System of Missouri (Part of PSRS)
- PDC Professional Development Committee
- PDK Phi Delta Kappa International
- PDP Professional Development Plan
- PDS Professional Development School(s)
- PGP Professional Growth Plan PIP Professional Improvement Plan
- PSRS Public School Retirement System
- RPDC Regional Professional Development Center (there are 9 RPDC’s in Missouri)
- RS Resource Specialist
- RSP Resource Specialist Program
- RTI Response to Intervention
- SBOE State Board of Education (Missouri)
- SEL Social and Emotional Learning
- SES Socioeconomic Status
- SIP School improvement Plan OR Student Incentive Program
- SIS Student Information System
- SIT School Improvement Team
- SLD Specific Learning Disorder
- SpEd Special Education
- SST Student Study Team
- TESOL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
- TQM Total Quality Management
- USDOE United States Department of Education -